Reading Notes: Mahabharata, Part B

Wife of the Five Pandavas: This was one of the few stories to catch my attention, mainly because I thought it was interesting how a woman had 5 husbands, when typically you only hear of men having more than one wife during those times. As I read it I thought to myself "how interesting/ terrible would it be to be a woman living with 5 guys?" Then I thought it would be fun to write a story from snow white's point of view when she was living with he 7 dwarfs, but in this case she would be living with 5! Just trying to keep the fairytale stories alive.

Arijuna and Ulupi : I really enjoyed reading this one too because it tied hand in hand with the first story I like from Part B. When reading about the "rules" the brothers had established, I thought it would be fun to combine these two stories and replace the "rules" with the "Bro code".  It would be a fun spin for the part of the code that is broken to be that no one falls for the girl roommate and then as punishment if they do, the 'bro' has to leave for 12 weeks to get over his crush.


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