Reading Notes: Ramayana, Part A

Rama Wins Sita
I loved this short story. It really did make me think of a fairytale! While I was reading it I thought it was just too easy for Rama. There really was no challenge. So I thought the story would be more interesting if instead of breaking a bow, it was shooting a bow and arrow, and you had to get a bullseye to win Sita. Once I thought of that plot change, I thought it would be even more dramatic if Rama didn't actually win and someone else did, leaning more towards a 'forbidden love' theme!

Rama and Sita's Wedding
Rama winning Sita and marrying Sita would kind of go hand in hand, so I thought in my short story I could combine the two stories! Obviously Rama would be invited to the wedding since his siblings were getting married to Janak's other daughters. The story would have more 'wow' factor if Rama stood up in the middle of the ceremony and objected to Sita marrying another man.

Bibliography: Rama Wins Sita, Rama and Sita's Wedding


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