Week 3 Story: "Ron Wins Ellie, and Cat Gets Married Too"

In the land far, far, far away we once again meet up with the pauper named Cat and the princess named Ellie. We last left off with the two foes becoming friends, but now even more has happened! Cat has been adopted into the royal family, she too is now a princess! Both girls have become of age to be betrothed, so now the king is doing his best to find two wonderful suitors.

While Ellie was walking in the palace garden she ran into a handsome young man named Ron. Ron was known as the cutest of all the land and Ellie had always had a crush on him. When Ron saw Ellie, he knew it was love at first sight. Ellie ran to her father and demanded he call off the suitor games so that she could just marry Ron, but her father refused. He had never been the biggest fan of Ron, and he would not give up his daughter to him unless he won her fair and square. While Ellie was crying in her room, worried that her and Ron wouldn't be together forever, Cat was as relaxed as she could be. She trusted the King and the suitors He had chosen, and finding a husband had never been something she’d thought about, so why fret now?

Dusk fell upon the kingdom, and Ellie was still crying. Her cries were interrupted by rocks being thrown at her window. To her balcony she flew and out in the garden below her room stood Ron. She hurried down the stairs to welcome him in a sweet embrace. They walked along the garden exchanging stories and laughs, and when the sun began to rise Ellie knew she had to get back up to her room before her father found out she had been up all night. So she gave Ron a quick kiss on the cheek for good luck at the suitor games.

For weeks the King prepared for the suitor games. He bought the girls dresses that were prettier than any coronation gown they had ever seen. The Castle was so clean that the floors sparkled and glistened, you could even eat off of them. Outside the gate were men from all over the kingdom and beyond who were eager to win the hand of one of the princesses. The clock struck noon, the gates opened, and the Suitors Game had finally begun.

The game would require great precision and skill. Each suitor would have 2 chances at making a bullseye with the Kings ancient bow, if a suitor failed at hitting the mark then they would be asked to leave the premises. Cat remained calm and knew only a suitor who deserved her would hit the target, but Ellie was nervous Ron couldn’t compete with some of the suitors.

One by one the Suitors knocked the arrows and shot the bows. Some would miss the target by a landslide, and others would barely miss the center, but finally it was Ron’s turn. Ellie stared intensely at her Suitor. As she focused in the sounds around her faded, and Ron seemed to move in slow motion. He knocked his arrow with ease, pulled the bow back with a smooth motion, and released the arrow. The arrow breezed through the air, and Ellie felt as if the whole world stopped. Ellie could not take the worries running through her mind so she turned away, too scared of the outcome that could happen. Ellie heard the arrow hit the target, and then immediately the crowd went wild. There the arrow stood, right in the center of the target. Ron and Ellie would be together forever. Ron ran to the King, shook his hand, and scooped Ellie up into his arms and whisked her away.

Shortly after Ron hit the bullseye, a second suitor, Landon, also did and him and Cat ran away together. The games were over, the King’s daughters had found their betrothed, and they could all live Happily Ever After.

Bibliography: Rama Wins Sita

Image: Prince and Princess

Authors Note: I really loved the story of Rama winning Sita. In the original tale Rama has to compete with a whole bunch of other guys in trying to break the ancient bow. No other guy could do it, and then Rama split it in half and got to marry Sita! I wanted to continue the story of Ellie and Cat in the kingdom, and also added a little more ‘drama’ with the King not wanting Ellie to marry Ron, and decided to have them shoot a bullseye to win their bride to change it up a bit!


  1. Briana,

    This was one of the stories that I though about writing, so it was really cool to see what you did with this one. It was also interesting for me because I was already familiar with the original story. Your writing style is great and flows so well. I enjoyed how descriptive you are in your writing because it was not the case in the original story.

  2. Hey Briana! I loved this story because I love the part where Ram and Sita fall in love as well! It truly gave me goosebumps when I read that part of the Ramayana. And your story coincides with it well :) I like the twists you gave it and the way you wrote the story was great! There was a lot of detail and it had a happy ending, which I really liked :)

  3. Hi again Bri! Aw, this was such a cute story! I thought you did a great job in writing this classic story. Your ending was adorable and fairy-tale like. I think that was my favorite part! Your story was very easy to follow, which I appreciate. The original story is one of my favorites, and you did a great job in putting your own twist on it.


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