Reading Notes: Part A, Jataka Tales

The Ox Who Won The Forfeit: Overall theme that encouragement is a better tool to use than intimidation when it comes to leadership. My last Cindiarella story ends with the evil stepmother taking over the kingdom. My final story can have the stepmother playing the role of the ox owner who is uses his authority in a bad way. The Kingdom would be upset with the switch in power and the king and his daughter can create a resistance that can overthrow the queen. At the end of the story the king and his daughter can resume their rightful place at the thrown, thus showing that an encouraging leader is desired more. I could even possibly bring back Steve and Ella to help them gain the kingdom back!

The Ox Who Envied The Pig: I loved the theme from this story. Its the typical "things aren't as they appear." I feel like its so easy for us to lose sight of what really matters and be envious of the things that we really don't fully understand. I think if I wanted to ditch my series it would be very easy to create a fairytale with a villager who envies the princess and just wants to be her, but when she takes over the role- she wishes she never had. It could be like the movie Freaky Friday!


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