Week 8 Comments and Feedback

 Feedback in. The comments classmates have been leaving on my comment wall have been helpful and encouraging! I wasn't really sure how people would feel about a fairytale theme for stories, but they seem to be liking it. The most helpful comments have been ones that have suggested giving backgrounds for characters, adding more characters, and also making my dialogue match the 'era' my story is set in. Those are practical things that I've been able to add in my new stories, and also edit when I am revising my older ones! 

2. Feedback out. I think my feedback has been decent. I'm really terrible at being an active reader and noticing things that need to be fixed. That's probably been the biggest challenge, so I've had to start taking notes while I read. I have learned a lot from other people's projects. My classmates are way better at using dialogue in their stories than me, so I've been working on that! 

3. Blog comments. I have loved getting to read people's introductions. Everyone in the class has done a great job bringing their personality to life through their blog. I am super proud of my blog and my project. My intro is super fun and people are seeing my fun, laid back side through it. The only thing I haven't liked about my site is that it's kind of cluttered, but thats because Im not really sure how to organize it better. My frustration towards my blog is why my project site is very clean and easy to navigate

4. Looking forward. Looking forward I want to try to give better feedback on people's post that they will find useful, like I've found their's helpful! If I can figure out a way to declutter my main blog that wold make me very happy. 

I think this picture perfectly describes how I feel about criticism. I used to hate criticism because I took it personally, but now I realize that it really does help you grow. No person is perfect, which means we all have more to learn. In a weird way its cool that you can never know EVERYTHING about something.


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