Week 8 Progress

Looking Back:
I am really happy with my progress. I have 208/205 needed for an A at this point in the semester, which to me sounds pretty good. I do have a routine that I've been doing every week, but recently I quit my job so I think my routine will look a little different since I have more time to do homework now. I think I may try to do more extra credit options every week just to get more ahead with my points. If I can finish this class a little early I think that will help me a lot at the end of the semester when it gets stressful again.

Looking Forward:
I think I want to try getting all my assignments done before the weekend just so that I have more time to do fun things. These past 7 weeks I've done homework every day except for Saturdays, which has been miserable. I don't have class MWF so I should be out doing exciting things and enjoying senior year!


  1. Briana, that's awesome that you've made such great progress. I'm a tad behind you on points, but it's still not so bad compared to it being the seventh week in the semester. I can understand not having much time for homework because of work. Even though I work, I'm definitely going to find time to work ahead on all my assignments and finish early as well. It's my last semester, so I am ready! Senioritis can be killer, so your determination is great!


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