Reading Notes: The 7 Secrets of Vishnu, Part C

Because I only have 16 points left until I am finished with this class, my reading notes for this week are just to learn as much as possible! It was so nice not having to think of stories while watching the video. I just got to learn a lot! 

Kurma’s Secret:
  • wealth eludes the insecure
  • Lakshmi Goddess of wealth
    • Everyone worships her
    • She is the food, clothes, and houses that we have 
    • Does not discriminate 
    • Humans worship devas because they are known as the ones that will release Lakshmi so she can come and help
    • All the wealth Indra had should have made him feel secure and happy, but he felt more insecure instead
      • He was insecure in his relationship 
      • He doesn’t trust his wife bc he doesn’t trust himself 
      • His wife does leave him because she is driven away by his behavior
      • Lakshmi then leaves and Indra lost all of his fortune
    • Righteous conduct, wealth, and pleasure are the gifts of Lakshmi that announced her arrival
    • Willl she be the wife of the devas or asuras? 
      • She then chooses Vishnu as her husband but Vishnu does not yearn for her
    • She selected him because.
      • He is enterprising
      • He gets enemies to work together
      • Detached from the entire enterprise 
      • He helps devise but does not seek the treasures the ocean has
    • Vishnu doesn’t yearn Lakshmi for her material self, but because she helps him better understand himself. 
      • He enjoys her for her whimsical nature. 
    • Vishnu does not chase Lakshmi but she always follows her
      • Which is unlike her character
      • Because vishnu does not seek her out (like everyone else) it makes her want him more. 
    • Lakshmi has a sister, Alakshmi 
      • When wealth enters a house her sister, who is greed, enters the house too 
      • Alakshmi demands that she be given a husband
        • If someone accepts lakshmi, then someone has to accept alakshmi
        • Because shiva is known for having no preference, alakshmi is given to him
      • Lakshmi is always the good, and Alakshmi is always its poor opposite


  1. This is the exact format that I take notes in! I began these reading note class assignments by taking notes like this and then posting them into my assignments, but when we got to the epics it ended up being a lot and I switched to just writing a few paragraphs. When I take notes like this, they really only make sense to me and I never write in complete sentences. :'-D


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